About food styling

Food styling transforms dishes into visually stunning images that make people desire the product or recipe. This art involves meticulously arranging each ingredient to ensure the food looks perfectly tasty and fresh. Because people eat with their eyes first, captivating images are essential to promote recipes.

Our food stylists employ smart techniques to make every dish look irresistible, from building up burgers to fluffing pancakes and making glazes sparkle. At Scrambled, we specialize in food styling, using our expertise to let the stars of your dish shine bright. Beyond styling, we capture these creations in mesmerizing photos. With an in-house team of producers, art directors, photographers, camera operators, editors, studios, kitchens, and a full array of props, we offer a full-service experience.

About recipe development

People are constantly searching for new culinary experiences, driving the need for fresh recipe inspiration. Crafting delicious recipes demands culinary expertise, skills, and an original perspective, which is where we excel. We create innovative recipes tailored to your products and the preferences of your target audience, from health-conscious salads to indulgent comfort foods.

Catering to families, low-carb dieters, bake-aholics, and everyone in between, our recipes are always authentic, beautiful, accessible, and above all, tasty. Our development process begins with extensive research into current trends, seasonal ingredients, and target demographics to enhance the likelihood of success and virality.

We meticulously test and refine recipes until they are perfect. Once the ideal balance of flavours and ingredients is achieved, we create comprehensive content, including prep and cooking times, ingredient lists, and methods. This is accompanied by stunning food photography and videos, providing delicious content for your website, ads, social media and everything in between. Let’s collaborate to bring your brand’s culinary vision to life with engaging new dishes.

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Our work

Strategy & Concepting | Food Content | TV Formats